Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Almost Famous...

I went to Listen to George W Bush... I thought we spoke well and from the heart about his life after politics. The protesters did themselves no favours by coming across as irrational morons. I love the fact that people get to protest, but at least try and say something coherent and plausible!

Here is my quote in the paper. They caught up with me, and this is what I came up with...

“I was really impressed,” Peter Fuerbringer said after hearing the speech. “I didn’t know exactly what to expect — he is tremendously charismatic. He’s able to laugh at himself, and he didn’t pull any punches either. He spoke from the heart, and you really got a sense for the person he is — love him, hate him, don’t really care — it didn’t matter.”

Wow, I'm big time now...



1 comment:

  1. What exactly were they trying to protest against, ex presidents being allowed to eat lunch?

    The guy's out of power, he can't change anything now, why bother him?
