Saturday, February 28, 2009

Twitter... How I love thee

Okay, anyone that knows me knows that I am obsessed with efficiency. If I have one beef with Web 2.0, its simply that no one has yet created a catch all dashboard from avid web 2.0-ers who are annoyed at keeping 15 tabs open at a time (hmmm... the entrepreneurship bone just buzzed).

The thing I love about Twitter, however, is that it seems to be the most efficient social networking site I use. Quick content, plucky, to the point! love it. As Shakespeare once wrote "since brevity is the soul of wit, And tediousness the limbs and outward flourishes, I will be brief."

I am amazed that I am so interested in the actual short content of what my 'followers' are doing. The best part is, however, that people give off all these great tidbits of information, and because they don't really have enough space to be elaborate, it promotes exploration... I love to explore, and am naturally curious, so this is perfect!

So, on the Peter scale, I give Twitter a big two thumbs waaaaay up!


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